“Goodness is the only investment that never fails” this is a Quote by Henry David Thoreau, an American writer. In the same way, the Dickinson Group of companies is always making a continuous effort to relentlessly partner and be involved with the community. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, the company is proud to announce yet another gesture of kindness to the less privileged within our society. Dickinson Group of Companies will be donating monthly supplies of meat to the following non-profit making organisations: Ikhwezilokusa Home Sukasambe Children’s Home Ikhwezilokusa Home Ikwezilokuza is a home for the physically and mentally challenged adults and children, located in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The facility is currently home to over 140 residents. Sukasambe Children’s Home Sukasambe is a home for physically and mentally disabled children. The home currently houses 26 children aged between 6 and 17 years. This most recent initiative follows a round of donations that was made on Wednesday the 21st of June 2017 donation where combinations shoes, gas heaters, clothing and meat were given to the following non-profit making organisations: Ikhwezilokusa Home Sukasambe Children’s home Leamogetswe Orphanage Like William Clay Ford Jr, an Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company we at Dickinson Group of companies truly believe that creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals; they are both essential ingredients for long-term success. We continue to call upon the corporate world to get involved in the society and play a role in bridging all gaps that may possibly exist.
SAMAR announces plans to cover entire life-cycle of all assets MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA – 25 May 2017 – The Southern African Movable Asset Register (SAMAR) today announces its plans that will allow mines, contractors, manufacturers, importers, builders, banks, insurers as well as the general public to control title and ownership of all movable assets, including yellow metal and other movable assets used during operations. In Africa, many yellow metal assets are crudely marked and registered to businesses. However, SAMAR creates the most recent reliable record of an asset and yellow metal by updating records in real-time as changes are made by various system participants. This allows businesses to effectively manage and control the financing of assets and yellow metal not on eNaTIS throughout their lifecycle. This greatly reduces fraud, theft, double discounting, or incorrect depiction for value and insurance purposes. Benefits for contractors • The value of movable assets and yello...
MEDIA STATEMENT A strong Health and Safety culture improves productivity and assists in creating a safe and great place to work. The health and safety dialogue company ensures labour force, management, community and all stakeholders are aligned in creating and respecting a safe and healthy working environment. Through workshops and visual campaigns, we bring your Health and Safety Policy to life. Legislation is designed to protect human life and to enforce safety standards. However, OHS Acts are often complex and difficult to understand especially in areas with low literacy. It is essential as a business to ensure your labour force truly understand the associated risks within their working environment; culture goes beyond ticking training boxes. Has your organisation considered the importance of promoting a Health and Safety culture? Are you confident your employees are living and working in a safety conscious culture beyond paperwork and legislation? The vision of the health and...
The application of Thermal Spray coatings by South Africa’s leading surface coating specialists, Thermaspray, can lead to an enhancement in performance and an extension of service life of expensive engineering parts and industrial components, leading to substantial reductions in downtime and production costs. Engineering components and parts in production processes are subject to degradation through wear, corrosion, oxidation and cavitation. Thermaspray, Managing Director, Dr. Jan Lourens, points out that as all these degradation processes are active on the surface of components, a suitably selected and correctly applied surface coating like Thermal Spray can effectively re-condition production equipment to ‘as new’. “In fact”, adds Dr. Lourens, “very often, through degradation analyses and the selection of a superior coating, a thermal spray coating makes it possible to provide virtually as good as new a component. Most importantly for the end user, this means substantial cost sav...
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