Advanced sealing solutions for wheel end maintenance from SKF

Industry estimates illustrate that up to 90% of premature wheel bearing failures are a result of incorrect seal installation and subsequent leakage of lubricant. “Scotseal PlusXL from SKF is the ideal solution as the seal is easily installed without tools, not only helping to eliminate costly ‘do-overs’ but also extending wheel end life,” states André Weyers, SKF Business Development Manager, Seals and Metals. The global bearing and rotation specialist boasts 95% OEM approval for the South African supply of European truck ranges. Fixated on delivering innovative, optimal performance wheel seals for a variety of wheel end maintenance requirements, SKF’s arsenal features the advanced Scotseal PlusXL and Scotseal Classic for commercial vehicles. Thanks to its proven history of high performance, SKF’s Scotseal PlusXL, the standard seal in pre-assembled hubs, is the preferred seal of choice amongst numerous OEM truck and trailer manufacturers. The HNBR (Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene ...