Uganda’s Second Oil and Gas Licensing Round Will Attract Investment, Infrastructure Development

The country’s second oil and gas licensing round for the exploration of five blocks in the Albertine Graben, Uganda, aims to increase international investment into Uganda’s oil-rich energy sector, with the government expecting to sign Production Sharing Agreements and issue exploration licenses to successful firms by December 2020. Frank Mugisha, Manager, Second Licensing Round Uganda explains in this Q&A with Africa Oil & Power (AOP): Why is Uganda conducting a second licensing round for oil and gas exploration blocks? The second licensing round is driven by factors including the establishment of additional petroleum resources and reserves, the current high price of crude oil, interest in investing in the country’s oil and gas sector, a conducive investment climate and minimal geological and commercial risk. The increase in the current resource base will ensure that the expensive infrastructure, such as our refinery and crude export pipeline, are economically sustained f...