Paint innovation makes mines safer

Mining is a dangerous business. In South Africa, we have some of the world’s deepest mines, a distinction that comes with significant safety risks. In 2016, 73 people lost their lives in mines in this country; this year’s tally could be higher. Addressing and improving safety on a mine requires a multi-faceted approach, ranging from quality worker engagement and training processes, to high tech solutions such as vehicles fitted with collision avoidance systems. In this mix, safety information and warning signs remain a cornerstone of creating a safe work environment. Safety signs and their visibility are crucial in helping employees negotiate high risk working environments. Safety signs have to be visible to be effective. Conditions underground are generally not conducive to visibility due to dust, water, mist and extreme temperatures. These conditions combine to obscure signs and make them illegible. Plascon’s commitment to developing solutions that are Designed for Life, ...